Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Dear Kory,
Happy New Year! I know 2012 began at 12:00am for you, which means 5:00pm our time. But I also know, I'm probably the first and last one to wish you a happy new year. It must be saddening for you. It makes me upset just thinking about it. Spending a holiday with no family and no celebration. If I could, I would pack my bags, hug my family goodbye, and hop on a plane right now to see you.....Okay, maybe not alone. But you get my point. I would be on my way in a heartbeat! So anyway, I hope you have a healthy and blessed 2012, and hopefully this will be the year you find your forever family :) I pray for you almost everyday, that God keeps you safe, protected, healthy, happy, and finds you a mom and dad of your own. And maybe we'll be that forever family ;) If it's God's Will, you'll come home to us. But who knows, this year could hold a WHOLE new door of opportunities for you! Like the positive side, you could find an amazing family! Or the negative, be transferred. But that's a whole other story. I'm looking forward to another year of advocating and blogging for you!!! Love you buddy <3
